Rock To Fakie

Main Spirit Rum - Spiced
Difficulty Medium
Technique Shaken

The result of a collaboration between Cause & Effect Cocktail Kitchen in Cape Town and Red Bull, the Rock To Fakie is as extreme a sport of cocktails gets.  It’s easy to skate into this cocktail with it’s mix of Bacardi Spiced, Rum, Ginger Syrup, Lichee & Mint Sorbet, Spiced Apple Sorbet and a float of Watermelon Redbull.


  • 1.69 oz. 51ml Bacardi Spiced
  • 0.5 oz. 15ml Ginger Spice
  • 1.69 oz. 51ml Lychee & Mint Sorbet
  • 1.69 oz. 51ml Spiced Apple Sorbet
  • float float Watermelon Redbull
Display: oz. ml.


Add first four ingredients to an ice-filled highball glass and top with Redbull float




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