Julie Paradise

Main Spirit Rum - Dark
Difficulty Easy
Technique Shaken

With Dark Rum, Creme de Cacao, Sweet Vermouth, Lime Juice & Cinnamon Syrup, the Julie Paradise has been created by the New York bar Nobody Told Me. And while nobody has told us who Julie is, but we can certainly tell you that this is one drink that will definitely take you to paradise.


  • 2 oz. 60ml Dark Rum
  • 0.5 oz. 15ml Creme de Cacao
  • 0.5 oz. 15ml Sweet Vermouth
  • 0.75 oz. 23ml Lime Juice
  • 0.25 oz. 8ml Cinnamon Syrup
Display: oz. ml.




Shake all ingredients with ice and double strain into a coupe glass


Lime wheel

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