Lyre's Espresso Martini

Difficulty Easy
Technique Shaken

Sometimes when you drink an Espresso Martini you want to be woken up but not necessarily f*cked up. If that’s the case, then the Lyre’s Espresso Martini is the non-alc cocktail you need to make, with Lyre’s Coffee originale and Lyre’s White Cane Spirit.


  • 1.52 oz. 46ml Lyre's Coffee Originale
  • 0.5 oz. 15ml Lyre's White Cane Spirit
  • 1.52 oz. 46ml Espresso
  • 0.34 oz. 10ml Vanilla Syrup
Display: oz. ml.




Dry shake all ingredients, then add ice and shake again. Strain into a chilled coupe


Coffee beans

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