Cheeky Negroni

Main Spirit Gin
Difficulty Easy
Technique Built

If you are feeling a little brash, then you can’t go past a Cheeky Negroni. Fragrant & beautifully balanced, this drink retains the simplicity of the original, with equal parts Aperol, Lillet Blanc & Hendricks Gin


  • 1 oz. 30ml Aperol
  • 1 oz. 30ml Gin
  • 1 oz. 30ml Lillet Blanc
Display: oz. ml.



We Recommend


Fill a mixing glass with ice. Add gin, Lillet Blanc, and Aperol. Stir well. Strain into an ice-filled old fashioned glass. Twist grapefruit peel over the drink to express oils.


Grapefruit twist

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