The Queen's Sbagliato

Main Liqueur Campari
Difficulty Easy
Technique Built

This riff on the very popular Sbagliato has been created by The Queen, a secret bar that is about to open near the Queen’s Hotel in Cape Town. The Queen’s Sbagliato has a fruity vibe with Coconut washed Antica Formula and Straweberry infused Campari


  • 1 oz. 30ml Antica Formula (Coconut washed)
  • 1 oz. 30ml Campari (Strawberry infused)
  • 0.85 oz. 26ml Soda Water
  • top top Prosecco
Display: oz. ml.


Add Antica Formula, Campari and Soda Water to an ice-filled Highball glass then top with Prosecco


Campari soaked Strawberries and an orange slice

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