The problem, of course, with doing the same theme two weeks in a row is that you’ve said everything you need to say in the first week. But we thought it was worth doing a second round of simple, yet delicious, three-ingredient cocktails for all you kids at home.
After all, without a bartender handy (or any bars open), we’re all, unfortunately, having to do it for ourselves.
Now if you are an aficionado, who regularly mixes thing up a bit at the bar cart, taking things back to basics may not be for you. But for the rest of us, a little inspiration and direction often doesn’t go astray.
So what else can we say about the old faithful that is the three-ingredient cocktail? Well, really, only a few words of caution. While simple may seem easy, to work effectively, simply needs to be precise.
The thing that all keeps us coming back to cocktails, rather than just living with a flask at our hip, is the balance of flavours. Balance in all things is, as we are sadly learning as we troll Netflix for something we’ve never seen, the key to all.
To create balance everything must be in alignment. If you think about it, it’s a little like Japanese rock balancing. Harmoniously balancing rocks precariously on top of one another is not only an art but manifests a selection of beautifully yet surreal creations that not only take time to create but also the time as the observer to savour.
And the three-ingredient cocktail is a little the same. You need to pour, mix and dilute to the right amounts or the balance is off and the taste is only a poor representation of what it could have been.
Care, patience and precision are the watch-words. And while in the middle of your busy life, these are things that get easily thrown aside, you really now have the time. In fact, you have all the time in the world to practise the skill, art and dedication that your local bartender used to show.
After all … what else are you got to do …