Mix It Up

7 Regarding Cocktails

Regarding Cocktails is as much a homage to great drinks as it is to a great man. The late Sasha Petraske changed the way we drink and, more particularly, what goes into our glass.

By: Tiff Christie|September 26,2021

Regarding Cocktails is hardly a new book on the market. In fact, the hardcover was released nearly five years ago to the day. But unlike so many books of its ilk, this cocktail book has stood the test of time and will probably be seen to be just as inspired decades from now, as it is today.


The Business

Ginger Cocktail

Debbie, Don't

Too Soon?

Rye Hummingbird Down

Street & Flynn Special


Yes, it does what every good cocktail book should. It has a good selection of classic drinks and their variations. It has information on the tools you might need and recipes for the syrups referred to in the book. It also has some timeless illustrations that break down the drinks via a visual dot system. But it’s not just these things that make this book truly stand out.

If a man’s true worth is found in the influence he has had, then the insights provided by the students, colleagues and friends of the late Sasha Petraske speaks volumes. While these stories do a lot to explain the drinks they reference, they also provide a great deal of insight into Petraske himself.

Sadly, very few of us will ever make any sort of real impact on this world, especially if kindness, ethics and values are the standards by which we are judged. Yet through these pages, you get a clear sense that these are the things that made Petraske the man he was.

His encouragement, his generosity, his beliefs and his curiosity, were all factors that led to his unparalleled influence on a generation of bartenders, and a few brand owners as well. The stories told in his name leave you not only wishing you had met the man but also with a feeling that his legacy leaves a lot to live up to. That we should all bring more care, hindsight and humour into everything we do.

Petraske was seen as a visionary, and certainly the alumni of his most famous bar, Milk and Honey have spread his teachings and approach to drinks and bars across the globe.

And through this liquid memoir, you not only get a solid bartending guide but also a glimpse into a sliver of time that set the foundation of the American craft cocktail movement.

Whether you are a professional or making drinks for yourself at home, there is a lot more than measurements to be taken from this book. And we hope that the 7 drinks that we have poured from its pages will bring you as much joy and insight as they have for us.

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