
Let The Thinking Drinkers Educate Your Spirits

Don’t know your Vodka from your Rum, let booze comedy duo, Thinking Drinkers, to teach you all the important stuff.

By: Tiff Christie|August 3,2018

How much do your really know about what is in your glass right now?

Are you convinced that Rum is just a drink for pirates? Do you think Gin is only a recent craze? Ever wondered who first developed Vodka? 

If you don’t know the answer to any or all of these questions, or simply want to bone up on your spirits trivia (with a pun or two included), then do we have the video series for you. 

UK spirits company Distilled, has partnered with the comedy and drinks writing duo, Thinking Drinkers, to create a series of informative, educational, spirits-based videos.

Tom Sandham and Ben McFarland, better known as The Thinking Drinkers are a UK sensation, whose only aim is to try to make the world a better place to drink in. 

They have written and performed two stage productions, both received critical acclaim at the world’s largest cultural festival – Edinburgh – and in the West End. Their approach is to take the basic elements of drink education but present them in a more enlightening and entertaining way. 

And this is exactly what they have done for Distilled. The “innovative and snappy” online tutorials will cover a number of core spirit areas, with vodka, gin, rum, Mezcal having already been released.

Distilled was launched last April by Carlsberg UK, as both a spirits supplier to the on-trade and as a forum for sharing knowledge and advice across the hospitality industry.

Katie Hewitt, spirits category manager at Distilled, said: “Our partnership with the Thinking Drinkers has helped us develop a different way of communicating information on the spirits category, which will continue to not only evolve in line with consumer trends but as they are hosted online, they are accessible at any time day or night.

“We’re looking forward to extending the conversation with bartenders – celebrating innovative and exciting serves that can be executed perfectly every time.”

Although intended to target bartenders, the videos prove that a little humous education is good for everyone. 

And as the Thinking Drinkers say in the introduction of their book, The Enlightened Imbiber, “The more we know about alcohol the more we know about its potential for pain and pleasure … Show drink it’s due respect and, rest assured, drink will respect you back.”

So let’s raise a glass to booze education. 

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Let The Thinking Drinkers Educate Your Spirits

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