The Nose To Cocktail

Main Spirit Whiskey - Irish
Difficulty Medium
Technique Shaken

Created by the late Jim Meehan, The Nose To Cocktail incorporates bacon-infused Irish whiskey, dark maple syrup, and lemon and orange juices and, of course, a whole egg.


Display: oz. ml.


Add all ingredients to a shaker and dry shake, before adding ice and shaking again. Strain into a highball glass



Bacon-infused Bushmills Irish whiskey – Cook 8 ounces of high-quality bacon until all the fat is rendered. Set the bacon aside for another use and pour the drippings into a glass jar with a lid. Add 6 ounces of Bushmills Irish whiskey, shake well and let stand in a cool, dark place for 48 hours to infuse. Place in the freezer for 30 minutes (the fat should solidify). Scoop the fat off the top and strain to remove any remaining fat particles.


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