The Devil's Soul

Main Spirit Whiskey - Rye
Difficulty Easy
Technique Stirred

If you are after a drink that is short and evil then Ted Kilgore’s the Devil’s Soul may just be the drink for which you are looking. Combining everything that really shouldn’t be in a glass together, including Rye, Mezcal, Avena, Aperol & St Germain this drink has a smokey, boozy, bitter complexity that will delight.


  • 1.5 oz. 45ml Whiskey, Rye
  • 0.5 oz. 15ml Mezcal
  • 0.5 oz. 15ml Averna
  • 0.25 oz. 8ml Aperol
  • 0.25 oz. 8ml St Germain
Display: oz. ml.

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Combine ingredients in a mixing glass and stir till chilled. Stir into a cocktail glass


Orange peel twist

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