Tequila Club

Main Spirit Tequila - Blanco
Difficulty Easy
Technique Shaken

Drinking Tequila is a bit of club and now that’s official with the Tequila Club Cocktail. A riff on the Pega Club, this drink has Tequila, Dry Orange Curaçao, Lime Juice, Lavender Bitters and Angostura Bitters and yes, has a bit of a Margarita feel as well.


  • 1.5 oz. 45ml Tequila, Blanco
  • 0.8 oz. 24ml Dry Orange Curaçao
  • 0.3 oz. 9ml Lime Juice
  • dash dash Lavender Bitters
  • dash dash Angostura Bitters
Display: oz. ml.




Shake all ingredients with ice and fine strain into a chilled glass


Lime twist

More about this drink

Created in 2017 by Simon Gifford at the Cabinet Room, London

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