Spiced Chimayo

Main Spirit Tequila - Reposado
Difficulty Easy
Technique Built

If you are looking for a genuinely fall-inspired cocktail, the Spiced Chimayo is a perfect choice. Mixing Reposado Tequila, Apple Cider, Crème de Cassis and Spiced Syrup, this drink has a citrusy edge that is both cosy and refreshing.


Display: oz. ml.




Build all ingredients in an ice-filled collins glass and stir to combine.


Apple slices

Spiced Syrup – Grind 2 cups cinnamon sticks, 1 cup star anise, 1 cup cloves and 1 cup Szechuan peppercorns. Add 5 cups of simple syrup and simmer until a prominent flavour develops. Let cool, then fine strain.

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