Salty Smoked S’mores Boulevardier

Main Spirit Whiskey - Bourbon
Difficulty Easy
Technique Stirred

There’s nothing more tempting than nostalgia and chocolate, and the Salty Smoked S’mores Boulevardier has both. With Bourbon, Campari, Sweet Vermouth and a little Crème de Cacao (and, of course, marshmallow for a garnish), this is a drink that will remind you of summer holidays


Display: oz. ml.




Stir all ingredients with ice. Light a marshmallow on fire, and cover it with the rocks glass to extinguish and capture smoke. Strain cocktail into glass


Rim the side of the glass with melted chocolate and (before it hardens) roll the glass in powdered graham cracker. Garnish with speared smoked marshmallows.


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