Eva Peron

Main Liqueur Fernet Branca
Difficulty Easy
Technique Shaken

Fernet Branca is almost a national drink in Argentina, so it’s not surprising that this bitter, spicy drink is named after the country’s best known first lady. With Fernet Branca, Sweet Vermouth, Ginger Liqueur, Lime Juice and Ginger Beer, the Eva Peron is definitely an attention-getter.


  • 1 oz. 30ml Fernet Branca
  • 1 oz. 30ml Sweet Vermouth
  • 1 oz. 30ml Ginger Liqueur
  • 1 oz. 30ml Lime Juice
  • 1 oz. 30ml Ginger Beer
Display: oz. ml.




Combine Fernet Branca, Sweet vermouth, Ginger Liqueur and Lime Juice in an ice-filled shaker and shake well. Strain to an ice-filled Collins glass and top with Ginger Beer.


Lime wheel

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