Green Mach III

Main Spirit Cognac
Difficulty Medium
Technique Shaken

Created by Cape Town bartender Leighton Rathbone, the Green Mach III is a riff on a Sidecar with a difference. Sure, it has the Cognac & Cointreau that you would expect. Still, it also incorporates Spanspek (a South African Muskmelon) and a white chocolate rim, which take it into the realm of a Midori Sour and Brandy Alexander, respectively.


  • 1.69 oz. 51ml Cognac (Remy Martin 1738)
  • 0.85 oz. 26ml Cointreau
  • 1.25 oz. 38ml Spanspek Sour Mix (see details below)
Display: oz. ml.




Shake all ingredients in an ice-filled shaker, then strain into a chilled and rimmed glass

  • Spanspek is a South African Musk Melon (similar to a Honey Dew Melon). The Sour Mix is created by mixing the juice of the melon with sugar with malic, citric and lactic acids.


White chocolate rim

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