Mint Julep

Main Spirit Whiskey - Bourbon
Difficulty Easy
Technique Built

There is nothing more refreshing than the classic Southern style of a Mint Julep. Known as the signature drink for the Kentucky Derby, it is a simple yet wonderful mix of muddled Mint, Sugar Syrup, crushed ice, and a good dose or two of Bourbon.


  • 2 oz. 60ml Bourbon
  • 0.25 oz. 8ml Sugar Syrup
  • 8 8 Mint leaves
Display: oz. ml.


In a Julep cup lightly muddle the Mint and Simple Syrup. Add the Bourbon and pack tightly with crushed ice. Stir until the cup is frosted on the outside. Top with more crushed ice to form an ice dome


Mint sprig

More about this cocktail

First created in the southern United States during the 18th century

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