Caneflower Cocktail

Main Spirit Cachaça
Difficulty Easy
Technique Stirred

Created by American bartender Jefferey Morgenthaler in 2009, the Caneflower Cocktail is a riff on the Comte de Sureau cocktail created by German bartender Gonçalo de Souza Monteiro. This drink mixes Cachaça, Aperol & St Germain for a beautiful sipping cocktail.


  • 1.5 oz. 45ml Cachaça
  • 0.75 oz. 23ml Aperol
  • 0.5 oz. 15ml St Germain
Display: oz. ml.




Add all ingredients to an ice-filled mixing glass and stir. Strain into a chilled coupe glass.


Lemon zest twist

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