
Ten To One You'll View Rum Differently

Forget everything you think you know about rum, ’cause Marc Farrell from Ten To One Rum wants to show you how adaptable rum can be

By: Tiff Christie|February 15,2021

Let’s take a minute to think about rum. It’s highly possible that when you hear the word, a variety of different ideas come into your head.

You might think of pirates, you might think of piña coladas, you might think of plantations. But let’s put a pause on that because what Marc Farrell from Ten To One Rum wants to point out is that there is a lot more to rum than what marketers have told us.

So as to understand what he means, and talk about why you should think about Ten To One for your home bar, I’m pleased to welcome Marc Farrell to the first of our podcasts for the new year.


For more information on ten To One Rum, go to their website – or connect with their Instagram @tentoone

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Let's take a minute to think about rum. It's highly possible that when you hear the word, a variety of different ideas come into your head.

You might think of pirates, you might think of piña coladas, you might think of plantations. But let's put a pause on that, because what Marc Farrell from Ten To One Rum wants to point out is that there is a lot more to rum than what marketers have told us.

So as you understand what he means, and talk about why you should think about Ten To One for your home bar, I'm pleased to welcome Marc Farrell to the first of our podcasts for the new year.

Thank you for joining us, Marc.

Thanks so much for having me, Tiff. Pleasure to spend some time with you.

You've spoken in the past about wanting to challenge expectations. Why do you think people rely on the old tropes around rum?

Yeah, it's a great question, and I think one that we've struggled with for quite some time. I think largely it is due to the fact that they really haven't been offered anything else, right? I mean, for the lack of a different perspective or a different point of view. I think that over time, as tends to be the case, in many categories, both within and outside of spirits, you find that the narrative around a specific category or a specific product becomes increasingly narrow over time. And so we've often referenced sort of this very reductive, narrow, somewhat caricatured view, not just of rum, I would argue, but more broadly, rum culture, and certainly Caribbean culture as an extension of that.

Obviously, for those who would be listening in for the first time, I should mention, I am from the Caribbean. So born and raised in Trinidad and Tobago, even though I've lived in the US now for the better part of last 20 years.

And so really, for me, it's been this long and ongoing observation of this disparity between rum culture and Caribbean culture, as I know them where I'm from, versus the way that I've seen them often brought to life in markets, further afield. And so yes, from my perspective, I think it's really sort of a lack of folks necessarily coming to the fore and shining a light on a, I think a more authentic, more contemporary, more progressive view of rum, and rum culture, Caribbean culture as well.

How do you get around that? What do you place in, instead?

Yeah, it's a great question. One thing I've said from the earliest days of Ten To One is that, it is very easy to say what a brand is not. But it's harder, and I think of actually probably greater importance to say what a brand is. So me declaring the Ten To One is trying to create this departure from pirates and plantations, right? To move away from the old caricatures and old tropes, it's certainly part of the story. But then I got to find a way to articulate for you as a consumer what exactly it is we intend to do. And that's where we talk about this idea of introducing a much more contemporary and authentic view of Caribbean culture.

To me, the thing that folks perhaps don't have the opportunity to see when they dive in through the lens of rum is what a beautiful fabric, beautiful tapestry, there is around Caribbean culture, whether it is like the music, the art, the fashion, the food, all of which, by the way, have worked their way into your hearts and your minds. You may not have realized that, but whether you are in the US, the UK, Australia, China, further afield, anybody who finds points of inspiration in those elements really is a potential member of the community that we are trying to build and to create. And so yes, for me, step one is kind of declaring where we're trying to move the category, what we're trying to move the category away from, but then I also want to make sure that we are continuing to carry water for this view of a more progressive and more complete view of the culture through those different lenses as well.

Right. Now, your brand Ten To One. Let's start by looking at the name. What does Ten To One mean to you?

Yeah. The name is a great starting point for exactly what we just discussed, right? I tell people that the name Ten To One is inspired by the original Caribbean Federation, which consisted of 10 countries. So it's the idea of 10 countries becoming one. And as Trinidad's Prime Minister at the time said, his name was Dr. Eric Williams. He said one from 10 equals zero. He was making the point that if you remove one from the collective, the whole thing falls apart. We like to say the Ten To One is a brand that is really grounded in this idea of community, strength in numbers, this notion that we're all stronger together than we are apart. And so for me everything from the name through to our logo, our creative suite, all the elements really kind of tie back to this notion of, again, more authentic, sort of on pillars of Caribbean storytelling and Caribbean culture.

Now, does that mean that over time, you will try to incorporate rum from all of the 10 nations?

Maybe not all 10 necessarily. So I guess I wouldn't take it to quite that that literal of a place. But your question is a very well placed one, because for us, one of the core principles of the brand has been this idea of, we call the beauty in the blend, right? Our rums themselves are blends. So our dark rum, for example, is a blend from four different countries; Trinidad, Barbados, Jamaica, and the Dominican Republic. Our white rum is a blend from two countries; Jamaica and the DR. So we do believe in this idea of telling a Pan-Caribbean story and certainly doing that through the artistry and the craft of rum. Because that mean that sort of I'm ultimately going go create a rum that has all ten of the countries? Not necessarily. But I think the spirits of Ten To One still comes through in what it is where we're doing today, if that makes sense.

Yeah. Now, you've been operating for just shy of two years. How is the response to the rum been in that time?

Yeah, I mean, to today, the response has been outstanding, I think really, really encouraging. I always tell people that as someone who's creating a consumer product, any sort of consumer brand, the joy comes from having a chance to put that in people's hands, or in this case, in people's glasses, and kind of get that response, gauge that response in real time. You want to see somebody, taste it, and try it and mix it and share it for the very first time. And that's actually where I think a lot of my early joy, our early joy and satisfaction around the brand has come from. For me, it was very important when we launched to really invest a ton in building credibility with the trade. So certainly your bartenders, your beverage directors, and so forth, who could really sort of understand Ten To One's point of view, through a product specific lens, right? Like the value of the blends, why we created them, how they can mix them, and ultimately use them and make sure that we really created some amazing advocacy around that.

And you're seeing that now manifested through the awards that Ten To One has won, we recently just won the Best Rum of 2020 at the LA Spirits Awards, and also the Asia International Spirits Competitions - Double gold and Proof Awards, et cetera, et cetera. So starting with that level of sorts of trade enthusiasm for the core product has been really important. And then seeing how consumers start to resonate with that. Not just the quality of the liquid that's in that glass, but when you kind of get their heads nodding, when they hear the story of the brand, the ethos, the why, the reason for being. That to me kind of tells you, you might have something pretty special on your hands.

Right.Now, you've got quite a long history in FMCG, developing brands and developing products, particularly with Starbucks. Was creating an alcohol brand what you thought it was going to be?

In some ways, yes, in many ways, no. I think the reality of any foray into the world of entrepreneurship I think kind of shows an underbelly or shows the side of things that you could not have expected or anticipated. So I don't think that's particularly unusual. I would say that one of the biggest challenges when you move into spirits versus even your standard FMCG consumer driven, consumer retail, et cetera, is in spirits, you further away from your customer on a day to day basis, right? At least in the US, because of the three tier system; supplier to distributor, distributor to retailer, retailer to end consumer. If you walk into a bar in New York or in Chicago or in LA, no one picks up the phone and calls me and says, "Hey, Marc, someone just walked in, tried the rum, they enjoyed it, and then they put it in an old fashion and they said to give them a call at this number.

So how do you find ways to build bridges and build points of connection with that consumer when you're further removed than you otherwise might be? I think it's one of the core challenges, surprises, nuances, if you will of spirits that is unique from my prior Starbucks experience or anything else. Now, with that said, I mean, there certainly are lessons that I've taken from those prior experiences and brought them to bare here. Actually often cite, I think one thing that I took from Starbucks was building real brand discipline, Howard Schultz, the CEO and Chairman at Starbucks, who am lucky to call a mentor and a friend of mine at this point.

Seeing the level of brand discipline that he brought to bear in that business was something that I always said I would kind of take and put in my own pocket and really file away for whenever I went to create something, which obviously has become Ten To One. And I think this idea of building a brand with a unique sense of purpose, through your own specific lens; who you are, and the things that you care about is another really important element that I took from those early experiences and brought to bear with Ten To One also.

Okay. Now, going back to our earlier discussion about expectations and challenging those, there are a few rums on the market that are trying to do pretty much what you're trying to do in that way. What is it about Ten To One that should particularly attract people's attention?

Yeah, that's a good question. Let me start by saying that as up and comer in the space, you obviously want to be known for having a very differentiated, very unique offering. There's nothing about Ten To One that is presumptuous and assumes it's sort of like, we are the only ones doing anything innovative in the category. Right? I'm certainly a cheerleader for anybody who wants to bring a fresh perspective and, I think in a more optimistic and more progressive tune to the category. So I appreciate the question.

Now, in terms of what differentiates us, I think it's really what I would call a unique mix of the craft and the contemporary. So when I'm thinking about Ten To One and what it takes to build a successful business in this space, I often will kind of conjure up this visual metaphor of two hands to clap. So imagine the left hand is the product, and the right hand is the brand. So for me, the product, having a very clear view of how and why we've created these blends, we really sort of lean into this idea of bringing different distillation methods, different terroir, different provenance to life through our blends. You really lean into this idea of the versatility of our spirits and the different manners in which they can be used and employed. I think we've created a very sort of, I would say, a fairly unique positioning for ourselves through that specific lens; the craft, the blend, and how and why the products themselves were created.

And then on the other side, I mentioned the contemporary, which is the brand story. I do think I'm one of the few maybe the only that I'm aware of, who is born and raised in the Caribbean, and in the market as a founder of this brand, and so there I’m using this very unique lens that I have as someone who is from the region and views themselves as a steward of our history and culture and our heritage, I think that shining through the stories that the brand tells and the voice that the brand has, I think is a major, major point of differentiation for us in the marketplace, if that makes sense.

There is a much more storied history of blending in rum than probably any other spirits. Talk us through a little bit about what you look for in the rums that you include.

Yeah, that's a great question. For me, when we thought about creating these blends, so first of all, let's go back to this idea of the Pan-Caribbean story, the very spirit of Ten To One. Really kind of acknowledging that, if for example, you looked at a Jamaican rum versus Trinidadian rum, they're extremely different, both in terms of the terroir, the nature of the Jamaican soil versus Trinidadian soil and terrain, and then also sort of the distillation methods, right? So obviously, Jamaica is known for their pot still variance. Trinidad is very much column still focused. Barbados, actually has a bit of the two and then so forth. So when you kind of travel around the region, you can sort of begin to hone in on these different unique traits and unique elements from around the region. But for me in creating the blends, that was only part of the exercise, like let me go and find the beauty, paint the different corners of rum blending excellence around the region. It also has to do with how I wanted consumers to experience rum.

I'll give you a very specific example. With our dark rum, and again, I mean, I'm obviously a big rum lover and a big rum nerd which is how you end up starting this. I wanted something that consumers would enjoy on its own. So it needs to be an exceptional liquid. You can sip it neat on the rocks. We talk a lot about the origin serve, so a splash of soda water, coconut water, tonic water that really could kind of lengthen your drinking in a very clean and refreshing fashion. But I also wanted something that could elevate your craft cocktail game. And so when you asked me to describe our dark rum in a single word, I wanted something that was very versatile. Whether you're sipping it neat to creating an old fashion, a Manhattan, or a Negroni, it really could sort of run that gamut versus being relegated specifically to sipping rum.

Now, how did we do that? One of the things that I think is very unique about our aged rum is that it actually includes a little bit of a high-ester Jamaican pot still rum as part of that blend, right? So on the nose of that aged rum, you're going to get a little bit of baking spice, a little bit of cooked fruit. A lot of people have picked out a little bit of sort of that banana peel you typically get from the bottom of a Jamaican rum. Has a very sort of warm and inviting nose, something that's a little sweetish on the nose, and certainly invite you to explore it.

And then on the palate, you're going to get some of the barrel aging notes that will express a bit of cedar, a little bit of vanilla. Some people will pick up a little bit of like a leather, a worn leather element to moderate acidity. Aroma is a little dry on the finish, and we do that deliberately to really battle this perception that rum is overly sweet, like very cloying, it's a sugar bomb, right? So for us, the blend was yes, an exercise in bringing these different islands and bringing them to life and let them express themselves. But it was done with a very clear intention and purpose in mind. You end up having this very interesting sort of, I would say melodic undulating experience as you sip that dark rum. And that's the kind of thing that invites a lot of bartenders to want to use it in their cocktail programs as well. That's just going to give you an example of how we thought about that process of building the blend with the dark rum. And we certainly had a very similar approach for the white rum as well.

With our white rum, to me, the secret there was if you look at Jamaican pot still rums again. They're known for being big, and bold, and funky, and high proof, right? I love Jamaica pot still rums, but they end up feeling pretty inaccessible to a lot of everyday consumers, just kind of wherever you are in the world. And so we took some of those elements, we married it alongside this Dominican column still rum, and then the end result has been extraordinary, right? I mean, it's one where you on the nose, you pick up these sort of grassy herbaceous qualities, a little bit of fresh citrus for sure on the nose, and the palate. Actually, the rum has great body. It drinks in a very sort of smooth, clean, refreshing fashion. It stands up extraordinarily well in a cocktail, which is really important, right? Your white rum has to crush it and really kind of pass the Daiquiri tests with flying colors, and then be really versatile in its own right.

Yeah. Now, when you're picking the individual rums to include, what tends to matter more? Where it's from? The distillery that is producing it? How it is produced, its distillation method, or the taste?

That's a great question. I think it's hard for me to actually pull those things apart, in a sense, because all of those things lead up to the taste, right? I mean, to me, when I think about the taste, I think less about the individual rums and more about the end product I'm trying to get to. So in the same way that I just described the profile of the whites and the profile of the age. Now, if I sort of, again, reflect on a Jamaican versus a Trinidadian rum, or a Jamaican versus a Barbadosian rum, there are elements of that. Trinidad is a great example. Trinidad, if you look at our position in the Caribbean, right off the coast of Venezuela, we share the same vein of oil and natural gas that Venezuela has. The soil composition of Trinidad is entirely different than what you even find 35 minutes north in Barbados, that's certainly at the top of the archipelago in Jamaica.

So if I'm cutting some fresh cane or I f am growing vegetables in the soil in Trinidad, you're going to find that they actually express in a very different way, even before you began to play with fermentation and distillation, and everything else. So the source material definitely has a point of difference, for sure. But I think some of those things, then obviously get exacerbated by the type of distillation method used. So in Jamaica, where pot still kind of runs the roost in many distilleries, and you're using a little bit of that dunder in certain cases that you have these higher mark, high aggregation pot still runs, you're going to bring some more of those, people call it hobo, but more of those grassy herbaceous notes, some more of those volatiles at present. So really, to me, it is a combination, to be honest. It does start with the terroir, it is not just a function of distillation method. And I think understanding and appreciating that, I think is a massive, massive part of how you can successfully create a blend that has a real point of view, right? Not just throwing together a couple of different rums and then seeing what works. Does that make sense?

Since rum has so many distillation methods and points of terroir as you've been talking about, do you think that's half the reason that people do end up relying on those old fashioned tropes just simply as a way of trying to define us? That it's almost too big for a time category, so to speak?

Yeah. It's a good question. I think partially, yes, but I think it's a problem that can be solved. And here's what I mean by that. I think that has historically worked to run a disadvantage, because there's so much obfuscation and so much hand waving in the category, right? That people aren't very transparent about whether it's their age statements, or their blends, or the distillates and any of those pieces, so that folks walk away feeling very confused. And it's sort of this big soup of ambiguity, right? Here's a really simple example, if you look at the world of spice rum, a lot of consumers don't understand that a barrel aged rum is dark in color because it's been sitting in a barrel for five, seven, eight, 10, 12 years et cetera. Why? Because spice rum, which is unaged typically, has this caramel coloring and stuff added to it, so that now they're all confused about what's the difference between dark and white.

People, by the way, don't have this confusion in whiskey because they understand that it's sort of rest in a barrel for some period of time. So there are some things like that, that have just created this underlying confusion in rum. I think we turned it on its head and this is what Ten To One in a lot of ways tries to do and says, no, the beauty is in the blank. Let me tell you the story about why we created this, what the different rums do, how you bring them to life. You create some more interest and some more appeal in the category, right? There are so many whiskey nerds. Now you have all the tequila, mezcal, like the Gin botanical crowd who love nerding out on different spirits from different regions and single malt versus your blends versus your high rise and all of those things. I think if you start educating consumers on those elements and actually showing them the beauty rather than doing the hand wavy thing that has really kind of plagued rum for a long time, what has become a weakness, and as you said, it's led to this very reductive narrative over time, can actually become a major source of strength for the category.

Okay. Now, what has the reaction of bartenders been to your two expressions?

Fantastic to date. Again, to be honest, and again, I'm just grateful for that reaction. I think the reaction to the dark rum, the aged rum, versatile is, I think, again, the word that they would most typically reflect on. They're always super surprised. A lot of sipping rums, for example, you would never actually use them in an old fashion or a Manhattan, both in terms of price point, and in terms of what they would bring to the party in terms of that profile. I think our aged rum with some of those barrel aging notes, the cedar and the vanilla, and some of that baking spice, you kind of get combined really well, for example, in an old fashion. Our rum old fashion is extraordinary. And so I think for them feeling like they have something on their back bar that you can just pour a sip or have a little dram of and or using your programs is really, really captivating.

If you kind of walk around New York City right... Well, not right now, but outside of the pandemic, you will see that... Yeah, it's a little trickier right now, but in normal times, you would see that in a lot of these Michelin star, fine dining, hospitality concepts, that Ten To One aged rum, dark rum, ends up being the rum of record there. And then as extraordinary as the dark rum is, just got 97 points, double gold, proof awards, et cetera., the white rum, I think is the one that really gets heralded as a bit of a category, game changer of sorts. I think when you stand up the white rum alongside, I mean, any other rum; white, aged, or in between. It really kind of feels like it's super unique in terms of its positioning and its expression.

If I had a dollar for every time I got that reaction from someone when doing a tasting, then I'd probably be in pretty good shape right now. But that one, I think, again, the way we've managed to thread this needle and bring some of those traditional elements of a Jamaican pot still rum to life in a way that feel still very captivating for a consumer, but also a bit more accessible has really done the trick. That white rum won the best rum of 2020 at the LA Spirits Awards and actually beat all unaged rums across the board. And I think you've gotten a lot of that feedback from-

That's impressive.

Oh, yeah. Thank you very much. Has gotten a lot of that feedback from folks on the trade side wherever we've taken it to date.

Yeah. Now, considering that they are so versatile, if someone was to buy a bottle for the first time, how would you want them to first experience it?

Yeah. I'd like to take you on a little journey, right? First and foremost, I want you to experience the rums on their own. So for me just understanding that the spirits are incredible on a standalone basis. You could sip the dark rum, the white rum, I'd say drop an ice cube in there with a little lime wedge or grapefruit and then really sort of enjoy that way. So you can really understand the journey of the nose and the palate and the structure and all of those things.

Secondly, I want you to do is... We spend a lot of time educating people on how to mix their rums. For us, Ten To One is not so much about rum and coke, it's actually much more about, that's not really in our consideration set. We focus more on soda water, coconut water, tonic water. I think in this current environment, people are always looking for like, what's the cleanest way to drink this? The rum is still able to express itself effectively. The rum's delicious, so you don't want to hide it. And each of those mixes I think allows the rum to express itself. That’s actually how you drink rum if you were at home in Trinidad hanging out with me and my family, right? We call it the origin serve for a reason, right? Those are great ways to experience the rum. That's typically how I would invite someone to explore, attend to one, if they had a bottle on their back bar.

And then beyond that, if you want to go create your first cocktails, I would say rum old fashion is your go to with the dark rum. And then just making an amazing Daiquiri. The simplest and most elegant cocktail you can make. I think many would agree, is a great starting point for the white rum.

Right. Okay. Have bartenders come up with any drinks using your expressions that you didn't expect?

Yeah, we have this little own fancy, that anything you can do, rum can do better. And we were really leaning into this idea that rum is a category and specifically Ten To One rums are again extraordinarily versatile not to overuse that word. But you don't really know what the limits of that versatility are until you actually see folks out there kind of in the wild trying different things with the rum and bringing it to life. And so for me, even early on, seeing what folks were doing, creative things like Martini riffs and Negronis, things that would you typically kind of draw more parallels to your gin drinkers or what have you and seeing Ten To One white, in this case, play really, really well in that little sandbox, I think was an early surprise and early points of encouragement that we got.

A lot of times we kind of line up the classics and say, "I'll give you an old fashion, a Manhattan, and a Negroni, a Margarita, a Daiquiri, and a Martini, let's call it, sort of your lineup of five or six classics there, and let the rum execute any of those really well. I think that's when we start the breath that range of riffs on the classics, that to me was probably the most encouraging and early surprise that we got.

So theoretically, the rums are not only versatile in terms of how you drink them, but also versatile in that they can be used in cocktails you wouldn't normally think to use rum in?

Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And that's kind of where I get the most joy from seeing people bring it to life. So of course, create a Daiquiri which is your ultimate rum classic, your staple. Create your mojitos and your Old Cubans and things like that. But yeah, I love seeing it come to life in, "Oh, you love old fashioned whiskey, you're a whiskey lover? Boom! Let me show you what it looks like with rum." I think one of the things that we have to do to be successful here, and I mean that both Ten To One as a brand and rum in general, is to find ways to build bridges to consumers and other categories.

So I need to be able to invite you in to explore my product, if you are a bourbon or rye whiskey lover, if you are more of an agave spirits drinker, we know that the whole tequila mezcal thing is deeply rooted at the moment. If you're a gin botanical oriented consumer, how can I build bridges that get you curious and can develop some of your passion for the product is where we spend a lot of time on our education and our consumer engagement.

Bash. Now, aside from your two main expressions, you've also recently released a 17-year-old single cask reserve rum. Can you talk us through that a little bit?

Yeah, sure. So in our view, we have our two core expressions, dark and the white. Those are going to be the pillars of the brand forever and ever, let's call it. But we love the idea of bringing new News to market as often as we can. Because again, remember one of the core elements of the Ten To One mission is we're trying to elevate the category, right? We're trying to shine a light on new unique expressions and get consumers excited about the space again. And so to me, bringing out these reserves, these limited editions, these collabs on some sort of a rhythm, maybe we do a couple of these a year, actually, I think is a very core part of our strategy. And so launching the 17-year reserve, the single cask reserve is the first foray into that space.

So that, as the name implies, it's a 17-year rum from Trinidad, four single casks that have been individually bottled, right? So you can actually even taste the difference between casks, two and cask four, for example. We have a lot of folks doing that at the moment and really get to experience rum in a very different setting. I think if you were tasting that rum, I think that the notes people pick up most often are a lot of papaya notes, a lot of people call it apricots or apricot very quickly. Some stone fruit as a part of it. It's a very intensely melodic and unique sipping experience, pretty unlike anything that you're likely to have had in the rum category prior. So yes, very excited about what we've done there with that reserve.

Now, I assume that you're trading the reserve in a similar way to a single malt. So it really shouldn't be used in cocktails, it should only be sipped, or?

Yeah, I think that's largely right. I mean, I tried to not be too, what's the word? Dictatorial about how people use it, but I mean, it's such an amazing elegant rum that yes, I would strongly recommend sipping it. I, for example, I'm typically, I'm more of a rock guy, than a neat guy myself, but this rum is so exquisite, that I just going to sip it neat all the time. That's not to say that's the right way to do it, but yes, you're going to find a lot of joy in that lane, in the same way that you would with a single malt. That's a good comparison.

Now, if consumers take away one thing from their experience with Ten To One, what would you like that to be?

If they take away one thing, and maybe this is the thing that encapsulates everything that we're doing and that we've talked about, it will be this idea of Rum Reimagined. I'm trying to take everything that you think you know as a consumer about rum and turn it on its head, right? From the elevation of the liquid to the blending story, to the genesis of the name and the way they were positioning the brand, all of those things. I hope that it's the kind of thing that you would take to one of your friends and say, "I used to think that rum was X. But now I think it's Y. It's completely shifted my perception of this space." And they really are in a word sort of Rum Reimagined, in a nutshell. That is what I would hope that consumers would take away when they experience Ten To One for the first time, and when they take it sort of further afield to their friends.

Well, in that case, where is it available? What markets is Ten To One in at the moment? Where can they buy it?

Yeah, most importantly, right? We need folks to try it. We're available in the US, of course, at the moment. We actually launched in New York in June of 2019. We were just in one market for almost a year, I think, kind of really created the case study of success in one market. We've since launched in Illinois, in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Georgia, South Carolina, Florida, and now D.C. So really kind of moving up and down the East Coast. And hopefully, California will come online later this year. We will see how things sort of mitigate with COVID. But really, for anyone who's in the US at the moment, we've spun up a really great eCommerce footprint as well. And so if folks went to shop Ten To One, like it's spelled, S-H-O-P-T-E-N-T-O-O-N-E, You can actually grab any of the three expressions that we have on there as well, regardless of where you are in the US. That's a path for folks who maybe aren't in those markets I named who want to grab the product sooner rather than later.

And what about other international markets? Are you thinking about Asia, and the UK?

Yeah, 100%. My hope and my dream is that sort of its... you want it to have a global footprint and a global impact sooner rather than later. We actually were planning to launch in the UK at the end of 2020. That was our plan at the start of the year, of course. I actually landed in New York on March 7th, from London. I had a great trip out there with a bunch of meetings and a bunch of tasting. Unfortunately, London couldn't happen last year because of COVID, and probably won't happen this year either. But hopefully end of '21, early '22, we'll do the UK. We've gotten lots of calls from folks in Asia who are looking for ways to bring this to the market there also. So I would imagine hopefully sometime next year, we'll see it making its way further afield, also.

Right. Now, if people want more information on Ten To One, they can of course, go to your website, which is Alternatively, find you through your social.

Exactly. And on Instagram it's also the same, @tentoonerum. Feel free to drop us a message in the DMs. We're happy to whether it's cocktail tips and recommendations or thoughts on how to drink it or where to find it. I've seen sharing a little bit of love. We're always were always happy to hear from folks. So those would be the best ways.

That's great. All right. Well look, thank you, Marc, for joining us.

Oh, it's been a pleasure, too. Thanks so much for having me. I appreciate the questions and I appreciate the chance to share a little bit about the brand.

Excellent. Thank you.

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Ten To One You'll View Rum Differently

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