The Adamastor

Main Spirit Gin
Difficulty Medium
Technique Stirred

A story as old as time, a Titan falls in love with a nymph, rebels against the gods and is subsequently turned into a jagged mountain at the southernmost tip of Africa. The Adamastor, as he was known, literally became Cape Peninsula, which in liquid form is represented by Gin, Dry Vermouth, Lychee Syrup, all top with a delicate Salted Aloe Air


  • 1.18 oz. 35ml Gin
  • 0.5 oz. 15ml Dry Vermouth
  • 0.84 oz. 25ml Lychee Syrup
Display: oz. ml.




Stir all ingredients in an ice-filled mixing glass, then strain into a coupe glass


Top with Salted Aloe Air and an edible flower

To make Salted Aloe Air – mix 5oz of Aloe Juice, 0.33oz Lemon Juice, 5 pinches of salt, 5 drops of blue food colouring and 1.69oz cellulose foaming agent in a mixing bowl. Aerate the mixture with a fish tank pump

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