Lion's Tail

Main Spirit Whiskey - Bourbon
Difficulty Easy
Technique Shaken

The Lion’s Tail is a rich, spicy, classic cocktail from back in the 1930s. A bit of an oddity, this cocktail is most definitely Bourbon based but otherwise has all the trappings of a Tiki drink with Lime Juice & Pimento Dram.


  • 2 oz. 60ml Bourbon
  • 0.33 oz. 10ml Allspice Pimento Dram
  • 0.5 oz. 15ml Lime Juice
  • 0.15 oz. 5ml Sugar Syrup
  • dash dash Angostura Bitters
Display: oz. ml.


Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into chilled glass.


Lime zest twist

More About This Drink

Adapted from a recipe that first appeared in Café Royal Cocktail Book. As it has Bourbon, it is assumed that it refers to ‘twisting the lion’s tail’ which was American slang at the time for provoking the British.

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