Harvey Wallbanger Frappé

Main Spirit Vodka
Difficulty Easy
Technique Blended

What happens when you Frappé a Harvey Wallbanger? Well, Paul McGee from Chicago’s Lost Lake thought he’d swap out Orange Juice for Dry Curacao, add Lime Juice, sugar and, of course, crushed ice to find out. The result is the Harvey Wallbanger Frappé, the Harvey Wallbanger you never knew you needed.


  • 1 oz. 30ml Galliano
  • 0.5 oz. 15ml Tito's Vodka
  • 0.5 oz. 15ml Dry Curacao
  • 0.75 oz. 23ml Lime Juice
  • Tbsp Tbsp Cane Sugar
  • Tsp Tsp Orange zest
  • 1.5 cups 1.5 cups Crushed Ice
Display: oz. ml.




Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend for 10 seconds on medium speed. Pour into a coupe


Orange zest

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