Brandy Milk Punch

Main Spirit Brandy
Difficulty Easy
Technique Shaken

A popular drink in New Orleans on a Sunday as it is reputed to have miraculous hang-over cure properties, the Brandy Milk Punch is an easy three-ingredient drink … just make sure you do not dry shake, as that will lead to eggnog.

“With the sun rising and the band on a well deserved break, Vanessa nipped behind the bar to shake up a New Orleans classic. Feeling a little like a Saint Bernard, as she ministered Brandy for the needy, she understood the importance of a little ‘hair of the dog’ for those poor souls stranded after closing.


  • 1.5 oz. 45ml Brandy
  • 1.86 oz. 56ml Milk
  • 0.35 oz. 11ml Vanilla Syrup
Display: oz. ml.


Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into an ice-filled glass


Grated nutmeg

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