Albino Old Fashioned

Main Spirit Whiskey - White
Difficulty Easy
Technique Muddled

Highlighting the characteristics of raw liquor, the Albino Old Fashioned is made on a base on White Whisky. Muddled Grapefruit is added for its tangy quality, as are muddled Brandied Cherries for their complexity and of course a dash or two of Angostura Bitters are added to balance everything out.


  • 2 oz. 60ml White Whisky
  • 2 dash 2 dash Angostura Bitters
  • 0.5 oz. 15ml Simple Syrup
  • 1 1 White Grapefruit wedge
  • 2 2 Brandied Cherries
Display: oz. ml.


Muddle 2 Brandied Cherries with a wedge of White Grapefruit in a heavy-bottomed Old Fashioned glass. Remove the grapefruit wedge for easier drinking. In the glass, add White Whiskey, Simple Syrup, Angostura Bitters and ice then stir to chill.


Brandied Cherries

More about this drink

Created by Tad Carducci for (the now closed) Bar Celonacomes in Brooklyn.

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