
Captain Morgan & Josh Gad Toast The End Of 2020

Award-Winning Actor’s Readings of “‘Twas the End of 2020” Reminisce on a Year That Won’t Be Missed While Looking Forward to More Fun in ’21

By: Tiff Christie|December 17,2020

Now more than ever this holiday season, we remind ourselves that, during these unprecedented times, we’re all in this together… damn, those clichés really get old fast, don’t they?


To be honest, a lot of things about this year did, but as the holidays approach, so does the end of 2020 (finally), and Captain Morgan is here to help you celebrate because you’ve earned it.

Captain Morgan and award-winning actor Josh Gad come bearing a very special gift: “‘Twas the End of 2020″ is an audio retelling of a classic holiday tale we all know and love, with a 2020-inspired twist. See if any of this sounds familiar…

‘Twas the end of 2020, we’re locked in the house,
Mandatory quarantine has us stuck with our spouse.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
My crew, with Captain Morgan… damn, they look fatter.

Away to the door I flew like a flash,
Changed into more sweatpants for a socially distanced bash.

Got my Captain Morgan and crew, feeling happy and glad,
Good riddance, 2020, there’s more fun to be had – next year.”

Josh Gad lent his esteemed voice to readings of “‘Twas the End of 2020” that can be found on Spotify and on Captain Morgan’s YouTube channel throughout the holiday season. The video version on YouTube includes lyrics to the full story, so you and your quarantine crew can read along together as you kiss – actually, probably best to elbow bump – 2020 goodbye.

“When Captain Morgan came to me with this idea, I was excited first and foremost because it’s the first time I’ve ever had direct contact with any Captain of note, and secondly because it gave me a chance to reimagine this classic holiday tale in a way that’s so relatable right now,” Gad said. “I’ve binge-watched all the TV shows and scrolled for miles on every social media platform you can think of, and since this project only required me to wear sweatpants and drink in moderation, it was a no-brainer.”

In keeping with the holiday spirit, Captain Morgan also enlisted the help of actor, videographer and comedian Benito Skinner (also known as @bennydrama7) to tap into his arsenal of beloved original characters and impressions of pop culture icons to create videos that will live on his social channels and give a holiday-themed “tribute” to 2020.

“All of us at Captain Morgan wanted to ring in the holidays by being 100 percent unapologetic about 2020, a year that certainly won’t be missed,” said Sam Salameh, Vice President, Captain Morgan. “With ‘Twas, Josh and Benito provided the perfect voices and personality to remind us that while this year may have been a bust, there’s more fun to be had – in 2021.”

Check out “‘Twas the End of 2020” on Captain Morgan’s YouTube channel and keep an eye on @CaptainMorganUSA on Instagram and @CaptainMorganUS on Twitter for more fun and holiday cocktail recipes. No matter how you choose to celebrate this holiday season, Captain Morgan is best enjoyed responsibly – Captain’s orders.

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Captain Morgan & Josh Gad Toast The End Of 2020

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