They may not be officially open yet but the chefs at Sydney’s Vietnamese restaurant, Cash Only have been very busy indeed. With Sydney back in lockdown for a fortnight (at least), the restaurant owners, Chau Tran & Bryce McDonough have thrown all plans aside to ensure that meals are available for hospitality in the city.
This is of course not the first time that Tran & McDonough have taken on this role. Last year, during the first lockdown the pair ran the operation out of the much smaller Burrow Bar kitchen. Since then, Burrow Bar has moved to a new location that includes the Cash Only space.
With the number of people needing help rising by the day, Burrow Bar & cash Only are luckily not going at it alone. They have had donations from neighbouring bars including Opera Bar, Mjolner, Doss House & Employees Only and also from brands including Poor Tom’s, Campari, William Grants, Halewood, Proof & Co & Pernod Ricard.
if you want to help, please contact Burrow Bar via or buy merchandise from surrounding bars via
These are some images of the team at work