
A Negroni Riff With the Flavours of Bali

In this video, Head Mixologist, Panji Wisrawan takes us through how to make a Nightshade Negroni from Bali’s Aperitif Bar

By: Tiff Christie|June 24,2023

If you’re looking for a new Negroni riff, the Nightshade Negroni by Pinstripe Bar (formally Aperitif Bar) in Bali can’t be beat.

Head Mixologist, Panji Wisrawan, takes us through the infusions and fermentations that make this drink one of the most popular in the bar.

With a theme of the famous personalities who put Bali on the map in the 1930s, Aperitif takes a very culinary approach to cocktails.

Part of the Viceroy Resort in Ubud, the bar combines a vintage atmosphere with exotic local favours.

For more information, go to

Nightshade Negroni



  • 20mls (0.68oz) Tamarillo Infused Roku Gin
  • 20mls (0.68oz) Cocchi Americano Rosa
  • 20mls (0.68oz) Campari
  • 15mls (0.5oz) Lacto-ferment Strawberry


Add all ingredients to an ice-filled mixing glass. Stir to dilute, then strain into a chilled glass with ice

Garnish with Tamarillo & Strawberry Pate de fruit

Roku Gin Infused Tamarillo

  • Roku gin 700ml
  • Tamarillo 300gr
  • Pectinase 5ml

Blend all ingredients and let sit for 1hr, strain using superbag or coffee filter. If you don’t have pectinase, just cut tamarillo into wedges and cold infused for 6hrs or over a night. Be aware that you will lose some of the liquid due to the tamarillo absorbing some of the liquid. And if you cannot get tamarillo, you can use Dragon Fruit, Golden Kiwi, Green Prickly Pear, or Kiwi as a substitute.

Lacto ferment strawberry

  • Strawberry 1kg
  • Unionized Salt
  • Honey
  • Ascorbic acid

Weigh strawberries and times 2% of the total weight to find out the amount of salt needed, for example, for 1kg of strawberries, you need 20gr unionized salt. Mix all together, then vacuum bag and let sit for 5 days. After fermentation, blend the strawberry and adjust the flavour using honey and ascorbic acid to preserve the syrup colour and self-life. You can use pectinase to obtain a clear result from the syrup.

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A Negroni Riff With the Flavours of Bali

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