
Making An Espresso Martini With Capiche Cocktails

Home cocktail kits are the perfect way to drink craft cocktails at home and Tom Loosli from Capiche Cocktails demonstrates exactly how easy it is

By: Tiff Christie|November 7,2020

These days, it’s easier than ever to drink a quality craft cocktail in the comfort of your own home. Sure you could try to stock our own home bar but a cocktail kit delivery service can easily be so much more special.


After all, who doesn’t want to simply open a box and see everything you might need to create a particular drink laid out before you.

And this is the experience that Tom Loosli wants to create with his new cocktail kit brand, Capiche. Capiche is, as the name suggests, easy to understand, as it offers a variety of different cocktail experiences that allow you to be confident that in a matter of minutes, you’ll have a quality cocktail in your hands.

“With the six classic cocktails, we’ve chosen drinks that are not only popular but also tried-and-true recipes that will work every time,” said Loosli. “They’re well-known drinks that people have probably had in a bar before, so people know exactly what they’ll get in the final product.”

To prove just how simple it is to get quality, easy-to-make cocktails from a box rather than a bar, we asked Loosli, the ‘godfather’ at Capiche to do a bit of an unboxing for us to show just how easy the kits can be to use.

Now could have asked Loosli to make a Negroni, an Old Fashioned, or a Spritz from his range. We could have also gone down the rabbit hole of the virtues of a Gin Martini versus those of a Vodka Martini. But instead, we chose a drink that everyone loves but most people assume they could never make at home.

“The Espresso Martini has always been historically tricky to make at home,” Loosli explained “But with our cocktail kit, you don’t need a fancy espresso machine or a moustachioed bartender to mix it up. Just combine our coffee mixer from First Press and the wonderfully smooth White Light Vodka and the rest of the story is up to you.”

Like so many good ideas this year, Loosli explains that the origin for the cocktail kits came during the lockdown, as he began to realise how abysmal his home bar set really was. A story that most of us are all too familiar with, Loosli found he had a few dusty bottles around, but nothing that could really make a decent cocktail.

“And so I thought, if a bartender of 14 years is in this predicament, and there’s surely a lot more people around Australia who could use the convenience and also the knowledge of having all of these ingredients supplied for you.”

With a large number of portions in each kit, the boxes offer value for money both in terms of other cocktails delivery on the market but also in. Comparison to what it would cost to pick up the ingredients yourself. Yet Loosli believes it’s not only the value but also the distinctly Australian focus that makes the kits unique.

“One of the great things about my background in hospitality is that I’ve had these great relationships with all the local Aussie producers that I’ve been able to call on to get some really cool stuff in my selection.”


With names like Four Pillars and Never Never Distilling, as well as Three Fold and Poor Tom’s, Capiche is looking to showcasing some really incredible local producers. But it’s not just in the realm of spirits but also tonics that Loosli has sought to make the selection process easy.

As well as the six cocktails, the range also includes six distinct Gin & Tonic variations that will certainly expand your palette. “The gin and tonics was a really interesting exploration into the pairing,” Loosli explains.

“I’ve taken all the guesswork out of choosing an Aussie craft gin and then choosing a craft tonic to pair with it. Added to that I’ve got some really cool garnishes to pair with that as well.

Sometimes, definitely trust me, I’ve done this before you, you pick a really nice gin, you pick a really nice tonic, and they just don’t go well together. I’ve made those mistakes for you.

To try out Capiche or get more information, go to

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Making An Espresso Martini With Capiche Cocktails

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