
Take A Fever-Tree Journey On G&T Day

Until we can all travel for real again, why not join Fever-Tree for a virtual gintonic safari to celebrate Internation G&T Day in October.

By: Tiff Christie|September 23,2020

When you find yourself craving the opportunity to be massively overcharged for a G&T in your local airport departure lounge, you just know it’s been way too long between flights. With most of us grounded for the foreseeable future, the ability to travel is probably one of the main things you’re missing about this year.

In fact, there’s probably not one of us who wouldn’t gladly slide into one of those overly narrow airline seats if we got the change. And we would almost gladly suffer the irritation of trying to muster some degree of sophistication while pouring tonic from a can over gin that is sitting sadly in a clear plastic cup.


But if the memories of the indignities of travel are just leaving you with a hankering to know exactly where the emergency exits from 2020 are located, then Fever-Tree has a treat that will not only take your G&T to the next level but also scratch that travel itch.

To celebrate International Gin & Tonic Day, Fever-Tree Australia wants you to buy a ticket on their virtual plane as they take you on a jet-setting adventure around the G&T world.

“Aussies love to travel but at the moment we have a travel ban, so none of us can,” said Australian Fever-Tree Ambassador Trish Brew. “So if we can’t go out onto the world, we thought it would be really fun to celebrate G&T Day by bringing the world into your living room.”

With a wonderful itinerary, the brand will not only virtually take you to some amazing G&T destinations but also show you the perfect pairing of various countries local gins with the ideal Fever-Tree tonic.

“We start in Australia with the Bloody Shiraz gin by Four Pillars,” explains Brew. “This is a gin that is really juicy and jammy, so we’re pairing it with the Fever-Tree Lemon Tonic. This tonic uses Sicilian lemons, which are very zesty and really breaks up that sweetness quite nicely.


After that refreshing start, Brew explains that the journey continues far up north to Scotland, where their native Botanist Gin shows the more light, fresh and herbaceous side of the spirit. As this gin is more delicate, the ideal pairing is Fever Tree’s Elderflower Tonic, which is quite light, bright, floral, and fragrant.

“And then we’ve got a bit of an interesting one,” Brew continues. We’ zip across to Sweden, to experience their Herno Navy Strength Gin. Utilising a lot of local Swedish botanicals, this is a gin that is quite punchy. It’s higher in alcohol and very juniper-forward, which is absolutely what I love.

“So we’re pairing that with the Fever-Tree Indian tonic. Now in the Indian tonic, you’ve got a big, bitter backbone, with the zestiness from Mexican bitter oranges and a little bit of floral in there as well. So that should be quite interesting.”

Leaving the Nordic countries behind, your virtual flight will then land in sunny Spain. With a Mediterranean flair the Gin Mare gin, which utilizes olives, thyme, rosemary and basil, is next on the itinerary. As you might expect, this is paired with Fever Tree’s Mediterranean Tonic

“The Fever-Tree Mediterranean tonic uses very similar botanicals to the Gin Mare gin,” explains Brew. “With lemon, thyme and rosemary from Provence, so it really tastes like the Mediterranean.”

The trip ends with Roku gin from Japan, which is paired with the brands light tonic. With cherry blossoms and Yuzu, the brightness of the Roku gin is highlighted by the tonic which is made with fructose, instead of cane juice. For a light, refreshing taste that highlights the botanicals.


“We want people to experience some different gins that they can later add to their repertoire we’re just sort of facilitating taking them on their trip, kind of like a [Contiki [00:11:29] tour, if that’s still a thing, guiding them through these countries. And so, liaising with them and finding out what they want to know.

“I think this will be a really unique experience for people,” said Brew. “We’ll have an ambassador, distiller or bartender to guide us through the pairing preference for each country, they’ll talk about how they like to dress up their gin and tonic, and that is done in each of these countries very differently.

“I want people to get some really great drinks out of it and add both different gins and different tonic ideas to their repertoire. But also just use this meetup to take a timeout. I think we all deserve one in this current climate. So hopefully this will be able to give everyone a break.”

International G&T Day is on Monday, 19 October, with tickets for the ultimate gintonic experience pack are available now through Eventbrite.

Ticket will include an experience pack with 50ml bottles of each of the gins, as well as 200ml bottles of the corresponding Fever-Tree tonic.

Tickets must be pre-purchased by Friday 25 September for pack delivery ahead of the virtual event.

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Take A Fever-Tree Journey On G&T Day

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