
Celebrating Paloma Day With Tequila Tromba's Nick Reid

There’s no better way to celebrate one of Mexico’s favourite cocktails than with Tequila Tromba’s Nick Reid

By: Tiff Christie|May 21,2022

We’re celebrating Paloma Day by talking to one of the founders of Tequila Tromba, Nick Reid all about Mexico’s favourite tequila cocktail.

The Spanish word for Dove, the drink is believed to have originated sometime around the 1950s, but as Reid points out, is one of the simplest drinks to make at home.

Special thanks to Nick Reid from Tequila Tromba and Australian bartender Lou Dare (for making a Paloma for the video)

To find out more about Tequila Tromba, go to


Our Favourite Paloma Recipe


  • 2 ounces tequila
  • 1 ounce grapefruit juice
  • 3/4 ounce lime juice
  • 3/4 ounce simple syrup (1:1, sugar:water)
  • 2 dashes grapefruit bitters (optional)
  • soda water


Add first four (five if using bitters) ingredients to a cocktail shaker. Add ice and shake until chilled. Strain into a Collins glass over ice. Top with soda water.
Garnish with a half wheel of grapefruit.

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Celebrating Paloma Day With Tequila Tromba's Nick Reid

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