
New On The Bar - China Blue - Peddlers Gin

With a definately retro vibe, Cross Yu’s new cocktail, China Blue, is the perfect cocktail to make with Peddler’s Gin.

By: Tiff Christie|October 22,2021

As Shanghai barteners Cross Yu will tell you, his new cocktail (using Peddlers Gin) is blue and it’s made in China

Straight-forward in name as well as execution, China Blue combines Osmathus-infused Peddlers Gin, Lemon Juice, Blue Curacao, & Pomelo Juice for a drink that’s not only refreshing, but also highlights the Chinese botanicals of Sichuan Pepper and Buddha’s Hand found in the gin.

Both Fergus Woodward (from Peddlers Gin) & Cross Yu (who has just launched a new bar, Glory, as part of his EPIC hospitality group) agree that Shanghai is not only producing world-class liquids but also some of the best bars in the world to drink them in.

So bring some Glory-style, retro vibes into your weekeend, why give this drink (and Peddlers Gin) a try.

China Blue


  • 50mls (1.69oz) Osmathus-infused Peddlers Gin
  • 30mls (1oz) Pomelo Juice
  • 15mls(0.5oz) Lemon Juice
  • 15mls (0.5oz) Blue Curacao


Shake all ingredients in an ice filled shaker, then strain into a chilled couple glass

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New On The Bar - China Blue - Peddlers Gin

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